Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week of 2/4/18

Sports Marketing

Topic: Trends in Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Big Idea- What can we do to enhance the experience?

Local Sports & Entertainment- Topic 1

1.     In our community, what sports opportunities do students have to become involved in?

2.     In our community, what are the current entertainment options for consumers to enjoy?

3.     Explain one sports opportunity and one entertainment opportunity that our community does not already have that would be profitable. Be sure to explain the target market, why people would enjoy your suggestions and what exactly would the opportunity consist of. You may research opportunities in other counties or states around the country.

4.     Explain guerilla marketing and how a local company may be using this in the sports or entertainment industry.  If they are not already using it, explain how they could use it.

Topic 2

State Sports & Entertainment

1.     What are the 4 top professional sports opportunities in Georgia?

2.     Who are the top corporate sponsors of the four major sports teams?

3.     Explain how the merging of sports and entertainment has changed the experience of a professional game. **Hint – think about how the fans are involved in the game

4.     Explain one new sponsor proposal you think would benefit a company.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of 1/28

Super Bowl 53!!!!!!!!!

We will be working on determined the economic impact of hosting a super bowl. Each group will be given a budget and see how much money is spent on Super bowl activities.

Key Factors:
-Super Bowl Tickets

Questions that will be answered this week?

1. What is a good deal?
2. Will crime spike?
3. What does it mean to you for your city to host super bowl?
4. Name groups that will benefit from Atlanta hosting super bowl?
5.What commercial was the Best(Feb 4th )